Best Christmas Stories Ever

Some Christmas stories remain evergreen. From one generation to another, people can`t get over reading them each Christmas season. Here are three of such stories that you and your family would enjoy reading this Christmas. 

3 Evergreen Christmas Stories

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

It was at the request of the Montgomery Ward department store company that Robert L. May wrote this story. Over two million copies of the story were distributed to children who visited the stores during Christmas in 1939. It was after this that Robert`s brother-in-law, Johnny Marks, wrote the popular song about the story — “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose…” That even made the story more popular, and today, we can`t but remember 

Rudolph every Christmas season.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

This is a classic fairy tale by the Grimm brothers. It tells us of a shoemaker who realizes one morning, on getting to his shop, that a beautiful pair of shoes was already made, of course, not by him. He then decides to find out how it got there. You`d be shocked at his discovery. The Elves and the Shoemaker is a must-read for Christmas.

The Greatest Gift

Philip Van Doren Stern wrote this short story in 1943. It is about George Pratt, a suicidal man who stands on a bridge on the eve of Christmas. Just before he can jump, a man approaches him to begin a conversation. George admits to the man that he wishes he had never been born, and the man tells him his wishes are granted. Something happens after George returns to his town. Find out, as you read this fascinating story this Christmas holiday. 


Story-reading constitutes the glamour of Christmas. It teaches lessons and generally entertains. These three stories would each give you a different side of the Christmas feeling this season.

You can more about the best Christmas stories here

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