3 Things to Never Do with Flocked Christmas Trees


Flocked Christmas trees are gorgeous. Many would argue that they are the most beautiful type of artificial tree that is out there that you can put into your home. Of course, this is something that really is personal. Some people love the look of a Christmas tree with flocking on it to look like snow, while others prefer something that is not as wintry. For those who are going with flocked Christmas trees, these will last for several years if you are taking care of it. Instead of giving you tips on how to properly care for this, you need to know what you should never, ever do to these flocked Christmas trees to ensure that they stay beautiful year after year.

Three Deadly Mistakes to Avoid with Flocked Christmas Trees

1. Never try to paint the flocking! This is something that has been attempted on flocking that is starting to yellow. However, when flocking is yellowing this often means that the tree was not properly stored, so this could be the main issue. Spray painting is going to result in this falling off and is going to look worse. In this situation, it may be time to cut your losses and purchase another tree.

2. Never use chemicals to clean this tree. No artificial tree should be cleaned with chemicals, as this can cause a major disaster. Instead, you should only dust this off, and that is only if you are not storing this properly to keep the dust off of it. Using chemicals can affect the flocking, the tree itself and weaken it.

3. Never move this tree when it is fully set up with everything on it. It may seem like you could just scoot this and be fine, but that may not be the case. Those who try to do this often find that they end up breaking the main support on the tree which results in the tree leaning one way or another, or compete breaking.

For those who decide to go with a Christmas tree that has flocking, you are going to love the winter feel that this brings to your home. And if you are serious about making this tree last for many years to come, then you are going to want to avoid doing any of the above scenarios as it could result in damage that can be seen, and your beautiful tree may be no more.