15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: Picking Your Ornaments

stacked pine cones tree branches

The Beauty and Majesty of 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

When it comes to decorating your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees you are going to find that you have numerous options. And since this tree is so tall, you are going to find that you can choose several different types of ornaments to hang on your tree. With this being said, how can you go about picking ornaments for your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees? We have some tips that can help you ensure that you are going to have a beautiful tree once you are done!

Think Beyond Traditional Ornaments

1. Keep in mind that if this is your first time decorating such a large tree, you are going to need a ton of ornaments. The usual rule that people follow is ten to twelve ornaments per every foot of the tree. Of course, this truly depends upon the size of the ornaments as well.

2. Go with various sizes of ornaments. Go with large, small, and medium sized to add some definition to the tree.

3. Don’t forget about textures! This is something that many people forget when they are decorating a 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. The more texture that you have on these ornaments and décor, the better the entire tree is going to look!

4. Take your time when it comes to hanging the décor. You want this to be evenly matched throughout the tree. Take a few moments to step back after completing a foot or so of your tree and decide if there are any bare spots in your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees.

Remember, have fun when decorating your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. You are going to find that the more fun you have, the better this will look since it is a labor of love!